Puerto Escondido,
A concrete slab rises above the coast of Oaxaca creating a spot of shading and calm beneath it to bask in the beach. The house becomes part of its context, adopting the color palette of the site and surrounding itself with local vegetation. Like bleachers, the spaces rise to allow continuous views towards the sea and mountains on the other side. The elevation of the public areas cool down due to the wind that travels all the way to the rooms at the back. Each room encloses itself with its own garden-like walls; one in front of the bed, another in the bathroom at the back. This, to insulate each bedroom, so nature and natural airing embrace each room.
Casa Ohana allows you to dwell on the beach on a human level, enhancing the place and living in it without pretensions.

Elias Kalach
Teddy Nanes
Alberto Bou
Elsa Mendoza
Efraín Salinas
María Kalach
César Belio