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Vertebral has been included in the list of AD100 Gurús Creativos of March 2023's edition of Architectural Digest magazine, which lists the architects, interior designers and landscape architects who are revolutionizing Latin America without ranking or hierarchy.

AD describes this list as a living, constantly evolving account, as it is not intended to establish a definitive bible of "the best", but rather to be a review and research exercise to nurture the list year after year and present the unstoppable minds that dominate the scene.

Royal Danish Academy offers a free online English version of Pandemiens arkitektur, a compilation of COVID-19 measures in cities and buildings that have been created based on the needs that arose during the pandemic, both in Denmark and internationally. These are solutions that can inspire and contribute to a discussion on how we can value-added pandemic-proof the built environment through a Build Back Better approach. And these are solutions that can become part of our new everyday life after the pandemic.

El Terreno is part of this compilation by being a versatile space to house a kindergarten in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and school closures with the goal of generating a non-referential architecture from materials, modules and construction methods conceived specifically for this project. El Terreno is founded with the idea of being an environmental education center and connection with nature. The products that are grown are distributed in local stores and for personal consumption that are distributed among the users and volunteers of the community.

Vertebral was selected for Concurso Pabellón Eco 2023. This call has been held since 2010 as an architectural intervention that is part of the exhibition program of the Museo Experimental El Eco. This space was conceived by Mathias Goeritz and opened in 1953 for the exhibition and integration of architecture with the arts. Its unique architecture and interdisciplinary character have inspired several generations in the cultural field in Mexico. For this edition, Gabriela Carrillo is the guest curator, proposing a reflection on time, the Anthropocene and tangential resistance with the title: Tiempo Cero (Zero Time).

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